Sacramento Yoga Center / Yoga Styles

Yoga Styles

The following styles are offered through the Sacramento Yoga Center. To find out more about a particular style or class, please contact the instructor offering the course. Each instructor brings their own unique training and experience to the practice.

Adaptive YogaAnanda YogaAnanda Yoga + Yoga NidraBeginner's YogaContemplative Practice YogaGentle VinyasaGong Meditation & Kundalini YogaHatha Flow & FlowHealthy Aging YogaIyengar Yoga (Fundamentals; All levels)iRest Yoga NidraJoint HealthKundalini Kundalini En EspañolMovement Exchange; Release & Realign; Restorative; Soothing Yoga; Stretch and Balance; Tai Chi for Arthritis & Falls PreventionVajrasanaViniyogaYoga Basics

Adaptive Yoga

In this Viniyoga class, we gently move all the joints in the body while using deep breathing techniques. Designed to release tension and alleviate pain, this yoga practice improves physical and mental health - tuning body systems for improved digestion, respiration, circulation and elimination. Improve your ability to focus, while at the same time, relax both body and mind.

Taught by Mae

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Ananda Yoga

Ananda Yoga is traditional hatha yoga designed to strengthen & stretch the body, release stress, calm the mind & enhance self-awareness. The practice facilitates breath, body and energy awareness through the use o f distinct rest periods in between postures as well as affirmations held mentally while in the postures. Students are encouraged to listen to their bodies, notice the effects of the poses and with practice, become aware of the energy within, especially as it moves through the "inner" spine.

Ananda Yoga emphasizes:

  • Safety and correct alignment
  • Relaxation, even during effort
  • Working with the body's energy for harmony and balance
  • Using the postures to refine self-awareness and experience inner peace and joy
  • Modifying each yoga posture to fit the needs of each student

Ananda Yoga is an expression of the Raja and Kriya Yoga precepts taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda was the first great master of yoga to make his home permanently in the West (he became a U.S. citizen in the 1930s). Ananda Yoga arose from his training of close disciples and was later developed from that training into its current form by his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda, the founder of Ananda, and by those yoga teachers whom Kriyananda commissioned to do so.

Leave class feeling relaxed, uplifted, re-energized and more aware of your own inner peace! Suitable for all experience levels and body types.

Taught by Sandra

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Ananda Yoga + Yoga Nidra

This class series includes approximately 40-50 minutes of Ananda Yoga, followed by Yoga Nidra.

After releasing tension from the body and mind through gentle Ananda Yoga, you will lie down with any props desired to maximize your comfort. Then simply listen as the instructor guides you through the experience of yoga nidra.

Dress comfortably. Bring a yoga mat (loaners available); optional items: a favorite pillow and/or blanket or shawl for warmth, comfortable socks.

Deeply relaxing, yoga nidra offers many healing benefits to the body and mind. Although often referred to as "sleep' or "yogic sleep," the practitioner is in a relaxed state of awareness akin to the the 3-5 minutes typically experienced just before falling to sleep at night.

Yoga nidra offers many benefits, including:

  • increasing dopamine release up to 65%
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • slows down brainwaves, increasing the body's ability to rest, restore, and heal
  • reducing symptoms of PTSD / trauma
  • reduces chronic pain
  • reduces PMS symptoms
  • improves sleep and reduces insomnia and more!

    Taught by Sandra

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    Beginner's Yoga

    This class provides a friendly, welcoming environment to either start or re-start your yoga practice. All bodies are welcome, and adaptations for accessibility will be emphasized, including options for practicing in a chair. Even those with yoga experience who appreciate a practice with more time for explanations, discussion and reflection will enjoy this series.

    This class is rooted in the Viniyoga tradition, which centers mindful coordination of movement and breath. You'll receive tools to move in a more integrated and easeful way, as well as support your mental and emotional well being.

    You can attend this class in person at Sacramento Yoga Center, at home via Zoom, or a combination of both. The cost shown includes a recording of the class that you can access for three months, and as much email support as you need between classes.

    September session: Sept 6, 13, 20 & 27
    October session: Oct 4, 11, 18 & 25
    Cost per session: $75

    Pre-registration is required. Register by emailing or call/text 916-290-2693.

    Taught by Madeleine.

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    Contemplative Practice Yoga @

    Contemplative Practice Yoga @ (CPY) uses gentle alignments supported by props that reach into core muscular tension. As the tension releases a soothing state of relaxation radiates through your body and mind. Pain and stress melt away.

    Classes last up to one and half hours. Starting with a short guided awareness, breath practice, followed by the gentle poses ending in relaxation. There is nothing to bring and it's best to wear loose clothing.

    Taught by Lisa

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    Gentle Vinyasa

    Vinyasa gentle style yoga practice incorporates yogic philosophy & teachings with the physical practices of asanas and pranayama. Classes are structured to appeal to those who have never done yoga before as well as for the experienced practitioner desiring a gentle, revitalizing class. The class focuses on the mind, body, spirit connection.

    Taught by Bob.

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    Gong Meditation & Kundalini Yoga

    The gong is a natural extension of the transformative vibrational quality of mantra, fundamental to Kundalini Yoga. Creating non-ordinary and transcendent states of consciousness by suspending the thought-producing activity of the mind, true healing on all levels is possible.

    The unpredictable, non-linear, complex vibration of the gong allows deep-seated physical tension in the muscles to relax, the nervous system to be repaired, and the glandular system to become balanced. The mind relaxes and clears, relieved temporarily of the constant pressure of the mind's content. Subconscious habit patterns (including addictive behaviors) can be broken up, the chakras become open, balanced, and awakened. A link to the transcendent self can be realized.

    After some lighter Kundalini Yoga and a chanting meditation, surrender to the sound of the gong, which varies anywhere between soft, pulsating tones and "build and release" cycles, in which the sound volume builds to a high level and releases with one or more "thunderbolt strikes". Be prepared for a truly wonderful and transporting experience!

    Taught by Manvir.

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    Hatha Flow & Flow

    In her alignment-punctuated Hatha Flow and Flow classes, Carrie weaves together classical postures with creative variations aiming to bridge sound physical mechanics to subtle awareness. Through clear and nuanced cueing, she aims to provide a physically and somatically rich practice that builds from a meditative warm up and is tailored to each participant's comfort and desire for more or less challenge. The level of challenge can readily be adjusted up or down with the multiple modifications and variations Carrie suggests throughout class.

    While both hatha flow and flow classes include sequences with breathing transitions from one posture to the next, her Saturday flow class will typically offer the opportunity for more vinyasas and progressions or add-ons that participants are free to incorporate to whatever degree they choose or, instead, go into meditative pause and stillness.

    Carrie teaches with reverence for that which Yoga may awaken while cultivating an atmosphere that supports each practitioner in making their own discoveries.

    Taught by Carrie Meyer.

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    Healthy Aging Yoga

    A gentle mat class for seniors utilizing props such as chair, strap, foam blocks, blankets, and bolsters to make poses more accessible. Class emphasizes awareness of body, mind and breath. Start where you are. No prior yoga experience necessary.

    If at any time you learn that you have been exposed to COVID, please take a rapid test before coming to class. Please do not come to class if you have any cold or flu symptoms. You may choose to bring your own yoga mat and towel. The studio also provides mats as well as any other props you may need.

    Taught by Linda Roye.

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    iRest Yoga Nidra

    An end of the week meditative practice for deep relaxation and healing. Experience the unchanging ever-present sense of yourself that is always whole, healthy, and peaceful.

    Class will begin with a sequence of accessible yoga poses to open the body and prepare it for meditation.

    This light asana practice will be followed by a 35-minute Yoga Nidra guiding you through a series of inquiries to welcome sensations, breath, emotions, beliefs, images, and memories that arise within your awareness. During Yoga Nidra you are invited to rest in any comfortable reclined or seated posture.

    Based on the ancient teachings of meditation, iRest is an evidence based transformative practice that leads to psychological, physical and spiritual healing and well-being. It heals the various unresolved issues and traumas that are present in your body and mind, and enables you to recognize your innate peace of mind that is always present amidst the changing circumstances of life. iRest provides you with tools to help you relax deeply, release stress, increase resiliency, and provide you with greater mastery and control in your life. iRest nourishes noble qualities such as joy, peacefulness, empathy, forgiveness, patience and lovingkindness toward yourself and others.

    Taught by Ed Davidson.

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    Iyengar Yoga

    Iyengar Yoga        
    Developed over 75 years ago by Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, the system of yoga known as Iyengar Yoga is based on the traditional 8 limbs of yoga taught over 2500 years ago by the sage Patanjali. Iyengar yoga is accessible for all ages and body types. Known for its focus on precision and timing and the use of props to help achieve perfection in any asana, Iyengar Yoga integrates the mind, body and emotions.

    A worldwide, standardized instruction system differentiates Iyengar Yoga from other methods. Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) undergo rigorous training and evaluation to earn their certifications. CIYTs are trained to provide clear demonstrations of each posture and instruct with the use of simple props to maximize the opening and awareness of the body.

    Each Iyengar Yoga class is a unique sequence developed by the CIYT to guide students through a safe and systematic progression. Through skilled instruction and practice, students learn to penetrate beyond the physical body to the inner kosas (layers) of mind, energy, and spirit, gaining vitality, clarity, and calm.

    Level 1/2         In Person
    For experienced beginners. The foundation of the Iyengar method is continued through development of the standing poses, shoulder stand and introduction to headstand, forward extensions, twists, backbends, and restorative poses. Students build their strength and stamina, expand their repertoire of yoga poses, and are introduced to yoga philosophy.

    Led Practice         On Zoom
    A group practice session, different from a regular Iyengar Yoga class in that the teacher calls out the poses and everyone does them together. The teacher sets the sequence and the timings, but there is no demonstration or instruction in how to do the poses. Led practice is geared to those with 6+ months of Iyengar yoga experience and current attendance at 1, 1/2 or 2 Level classes. Students should know the Sanskrit names of the poses taught in an Iyengar Yoga class, have basic props on hand, and know how to use them. To solidify learning, led practice sequences will emphasize the poses taught in the prior Monday Level 1/2 class.

    Fundamentals         In Person
    A 4-session series specially designed for complete beginners. Students will learn the foundational poses and the basic reference points for movement and alignment to build strength and flexibility and relieve stress. Each session will build upon the previous class in a progressive manner. Students will benefit most by attending all classes. Upon completion, students will be prepared to take the Foundations series or Level 1 classes.

    Foundations         On Zoom
    An 8-week series to expand the knowledge developed in the Fundamentals series, learn the correct use of basic props, and develop body awareness. The foundation is built on the standing poses, with the addition of seated poses and forward extensions. Students will build strength, stamina, and balance. A basic prop kit* or improvised substitutions, will be required.

    Led by Liz Vasile, Ph.D., M.S, CIYT .

    * belts, blankets, bolsters, and chairs

    For studio classes, please bring your own yoga mat. Other props will be provided

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    Yoga for Joint Health

    Designed for those with rheumatism, arthritis, or other ailments, this program is particularly useful for anyone needing a slow, gentle movement. By releasing energy blockages in the joints, improve your coordination, self-awareness, and self-confidence.

    Suitable for beginners, seniors and anyone challenged with joint discomfort, limited mobility or general stiffness.

    Taught by Sandra

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    Kundalini Yoga

    This ancient form of yoga combines active movement and stretching with many specific breathing techniques (pranayama). Facilitating circulation throughout the spinal column, exercise sets (kriyas) are combined with sound vibration (mantras), hand positions (mudras), and body locks (bhundas), in order to enhance their effectiveness. In so doing, they serve to dissolve energy blockages within the energy matrix of the body, creating a natural, meditative, blissful state of mind and openness to change.

    One not need be particularly flexible or athletic to enjoy the profound benefits of Kundalini yoga; all that is required is the sincere willingness to try one's best while respecting your comfort levels and physical limitations.

    Kundalini Yoga is the science and technology to unite one's finite nature with Infinity and to experience Infinity in the finite.

    Taught by Manvir.

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    Kundalini Yoga En Español

    Estas clases son una combinación de ejercicios (kriyas y asanas), técnicas de respiración (pranayamas), concentración mental, meditación, relajación, mudras y mantras para una integración armonia de cuerpo, mente y espiritu. Son clases sanadoras, generan alegria y activan en profundos niveles de conciencia, despertando el enorme potenciál aun dormido en muchos seres humanos.

    These classes are a combination of exercises (kriyas and asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas), mental concentration, meditation, relaxation, mudras, and mantras for the harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit. These are healing classes, as they generate well-being and activiate the highest self on profound levels, awakening the enormous potential which is still dormant in most human beings.

    Taught by Har Anand Kaur.

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    Movement Exchange

    Let us slow down and invite softness into our day. In this embodiment workshop, we will drop into presence through self-massage, breathwork, and gentle movement. Held in safety and presence, we'll release stuck energy and open into intuition through an exploration of everything yin.

    In Preparation: There will be props, blankets, and other items to borrow, but you are welcome to bring your own comfy items (a favorite blanket or a squishy mat) and any foam rollers or release balls that you like. I also invite you to bring a journal.

    Taught by Athena

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    Release & Realign

    Mindful movement sessions, a therapeutic approach to healing/embodiment. Breath-centric focus expands range of motion, balance & strength. Gain fluidity, spaciousness, a body loose, long and strong thru a combination of disciplines: yoga, physical therapy, roller and ball release, qi gong, more. A practice relevant for all bodies to address asymmetries and imbalances as we align from inside out. Practice presence, slow down, awaken subtlety, kindness, self-love. A healing movement practice for you.

    Taught by Bella, Kim, Jeanne.

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    Restorative Yoga

    This class will begin with gentle, supported postures done primarily on the floor. Together, we'll slowly and mindfully warm and open the tender and tight parts of us. Conscious breathing will support movement towards our calm and reflective center. We will close with the practice of maitri, or lovingkindness meditation, learning to cultivate friendliness and care with ourselves, our community and ultimately our world.

    Taught by Madeleine.

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    Soothing Yoga

    Reenergize yourself & jump start your week though soothing stretches & moment, you will feel relaxed and restored. All levels welcomed

    Taught by Bryant.

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    Stretch and Balance for Falls Prevention

    Equipment-light weights, ball

    Using seated and standing exercises, this class focuses on maintaining a deep Yogic breath to strengthen the core, while systematically engaging and moving all parts of the body. The class will increase flexibility and strength, release stress, increase energy, and relieve depression while improving balance and stability.

    Taught by Mae.

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    Tai Chi for Arthritis & Falls Prevention

    Safe and effective for relieving pain, while improving health and balance. Developed by a team of medical and Tai Chi experts lead by Dr. Lam, the program is endorsed by the US Arthritis Foundation and the US Center for Disease Control. View sample classes here:

    The class meets outdoors on the basketball court behind the Sierra 2 off 4th Ave.

    Taught by Mae.

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    Viniyoga is founded on the belief that the practice of yoga must be continuously adapted to meet the needs of the individual, including physical and mental capacities, priorities and goals, season of life and even time of day. Therefore, this style is not concerned with the external look of a pose. Instead, the focus is on how the poses can support functional movement in the body, facilitate neural repatterning, and lay the groundwork for integration of mind, body and soul. Viniyoga practice is easily accessible, and adaptable to all bodies and levels of ability.

    Taught by Madeleine.

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    Yoga Basics

    For brand new as well as continuing students, this class moves at a slow, gentle pace in a peaceful environment.

    Topics covered include:

    • Finding safety, comfort, and alignment in basic yoga postures
    • Safety precautions / contraindications
    • How to modify poses for individual needs
    • Breathing/pranayama and meditation techniques
    • Introduction to yogic principles (the 8 limbs of yoga)

    Bring a friend or family member so you can enjoy the benefits of yoga together!

    Yoga Basics is helpful for anyone desiring to re-connect to the roots of their practice, as well as beginners.

    We will explore a variety of postures in depth, with plenty of time for hands-on adjustments and attention for individual modifications. Students can apply the principles learned to deepen their ongoing practice.

    Taught by Sandra.

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    Yoga of Love and Forgiveness with Rev. Dr. Karen Berry Powell is a purifying workout. You will get warm, might sweat, you will relax and feel loved during this blend of moderate vinyasa flow with attention to alignment, and nurturing release and forgiveness.

    Karen has studied with ground-breaking teachers over her yoga career and weaves these teachings together cultivating her own graceful, lighthearted style. Enjoy this comprehensive workout awakening your soul's energy for cellular reprogramming into deeper health and well-being.

    El Yoga del Amor y el Perdón con la Rev. Dra. Karen Berry Powell es un ejercicio purificador. Te calentarás y quizas sudarás; relajarás y te sentirás amado/a/x/ durante esta combinación de flujo moderado de vinyasa, atención al alineamiento, y liberación y perdón nutritivos.

    Karen ha estudiado con profesores innovadores a lo largo de su carrera de yoga y entrelaza estas enseñanzas cultivando su propia estilo elegante y alegre. Difrutas un entrenamiento integral que despierta la energía de tu alma para la reprogrammación cellular hacia un bienester profundo.

    Taught by Karen Powell.

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Peacock from World of Gods and Goddesses, the Mystic Art of Indra Sharma (Mandala Publishing). Used with Permission.