Sacramento Yoga Center / Yoga Teachers


Our teachers offer traditional, time-tested teachings in a safe, gentle, effective manner. They bring decades of experience, practice and training and deep dedication to their own inner growth, revealed in their individual styles.

BellaBobBryantCarrieEdHar Anand KaurJeanneKimLinda RoyeLizMadeleineMaeManvirSandra

Guest Teachers

Alicia Athena Jason

New and Experienced Teachers Wanted!

¡Se buscan maestros nuevos y experimentados!

Bella Dreizler

Bella Dreizler
Release & Realign

50+ years of Physical Therapy Experience

Bella Dreizler is a physical therapist with intimate knowledge of all the challenges we face as humans and how to work through them effectively with tender care. Her clinical practice focuses on myofascial release and incorporates the use of rollers and balls. She utilizes these props in her yoga teaching and leads an expertly guided practice with a tried and true three-fold focus:

  • loose: creating fluid fascia
  • long: creating flexibility in joints and muscles
  • strong: creating subtle core tone

This is a practice that integrates the wisdom of physical therapy with the insight of yoga and invites you to be with your body just as it is. If you are ready to stop pushing, slow down a bit, tend to your body with expertise and breath and love, then this movement practice is for you.

To learn more go to

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Bob Brach

Bob Brach
Gentle Vinyasa

Bob is a Yoga Alliance 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher who was trained through the Yoga Fit training program. While living in the Kansas City area, he taught yoga in corporate and fitness center locations. Bob recently moved back to California in June 2012. Bob also enjoys his personal practices of Insight Meditation and Tai Chi.

To learn more email Bob at

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Bryant Holliday

Bryant Holliday
Soothing Yoga

Bryant became instantly hooked on yoga in 2016 when he was first introduced to Iyengar Yoga. He enjoyed the balance of focus on alignment and that it encouraged the use of props to assist students to reach postures/poses they usually wouldn't be capable of.

During 2020, he was inspired to deepen/expand his knowledge of yoga by regularly attending vinyasa flow classes. He was so fascinated by this form of wellness he became a certified instructor in the summer of 2022.

Bryant studies many styles of exercise including Pilates, strength and stability, etc. His teaching style is gentle, varied, and well-rounded. He provides a challenge for students looking for a more vigorous practice, but with accessibility and safety for all students, no matter what fitness level. He loves teaching and encouraging others via classes and private sessions.

To learn more email Bryant at

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Carrie Meyer

Carrie Meyer
Hatha Flow & Flow

Carrie Meyer MA, CCHT, ERYT500 is an experienced registered yoga teacher with advanced training and a deep teaching history in Sacramento yoga studios since her first yoga teacher training in 1999.

Rather than teaching a particular brand-name style of yoga, Carrie distills from various hatha and vinaysa yoga traditions and styles along with influences from a range of philosophical and holistic healing systems.

Carrie has a master's degree in psychology integrating Eastern, Western, and somatic (mind-body) psychology. Through her private practice, Holoflective Healing, she offers an array of healing services that aim to effectively support individuals at multiple levels of their evolving consciousness spectrum. She specializes in working with and teaching about the psycho-energetic system in her private practice and workshops.

For more information on Carrie's yoga classes and offerings, go to or email her at

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Ed Davidson

iRest Yoga Nidra

Ed first encountered Yoga as a physical practice in 2017 studying mainly with teachers in the Iyengar tradition and eventually enrolling in the teacher training program at The Yoga Room, a studio in Berkelely, California, founded in 1978, where he studied under teachers trained in India by Mr. Iyengar. During this time Ed also developed an interest in Yoga Nidra, a meditative practice involving body sensing and self-inquiry. He has studied Yoga Nidra extensively in the form known as iRest which has been used as a protocol for addressing trauma, stress, aiding sleep and well being, and as a form of meditation for anyone interested in self-inquiry and inner peace.

Ed has taught both physical asana as well as Yoga Nidra, and is a Level 2 iRest Yoga Nidra teacher and a graduate of The Yoga Room's 500 hour Advanced Studies Program. He is registered with Yoga Alliance (RYT 500).

For more information email Ed at

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Har Anand Kaur

Har Anand Kaur
Kundalini En Español

Har Anand Kaur nació en Argentina y desde muy joven se apasionó por la armonía entre los seres humanos, la naturaleza y el cosmos. Es diseñadora de jardines orgánicos y sustentables, Reikista, consultora de Feng Shui, artista y mamá. Durante más de 20 años practicó el budismo, y su interés por el crecimiento espiritual la llevó a descubrir el Kundalini Yoga, disciplina que estudió profundamente durante varios años hasta decidir formarse como instructora certificada. Actualmente, es RYT 500 (Maestra de Yoga registrada nivel 2) y continúa practicando y estudiando diariamente este sistema de yoga.

Con más de una década de experiencia como maestra de Kundalini Yoga, Har Anand Kaur vive en Sacramento, California, desde hace 23 años. Además de sus clases regulares, organiza retiros espirituales transformadores, incluyendo uno anual en Monte Shasta, donde guía a mujeres en un proceso profundo de conexión con su energía, sanación y expansión de conciencia. Estos encuentros son espacios únicos para recargar el cuerpo, la mente y el alma, y están diseñados especialmente para mujeres que desean vivir con más vitalidad, serenidad y propósito.

Te invito a mis clases semanales de Kundalini Yoga todos los miércoles a las 7:00 p.m., donde podrás conectar con tu cuerpo, mente y espíritu en un espacio relajante y lleno de energía positiva. Estas clases están diseñadas especialmente para personas que buscan vivir con más calma, vitalidad y equilibrio. ¡No necesitas experiencia previa, solo tus ganas de sentirte mejor! Har Anand Kaur está profundamente agradecida de compartir su conocimiento y experiencia con la comunidad hispanohablante, ayudando a encontrar equilibrio, fuerza interior y paz a través del yoga y la meditación.

Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a Har Anand Kaur a


Har Anand Kaur was born in Argentina and from a very young age, she became passionate about the harmony between humans, nature, and the cosmos. She is an organic and sustainable garden designer, Reiki practitioner, Feng Shui consultant, artist, and mother. For over 20 years, she practiced Buddhism, and her interest in spiritual growth led her to discover Kundalini Yoga, a discipline she studied deeply for several years before deciding to train as a certified instructor. She is currently 500 hours RYT (Level 2 Registered Yoga Teacher) and continues to practice and study this system of yoga daily.

With over a decade of experience as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, Har Anand Kaur has lived in Sacramento, California, for 23 years. In addition to her regular classes, she organizes transformative spiritual retreats, including an annual retreat in Mount Shasta, where she guides women through a deep process of connecting with their energy, healing, and consciousness expansion. These gatherings provide unique spaces to recharge the body, mind, and soul and are designed especially for women who want to live with more vitality, serenity, and purpose.

I invite you to join my weekly Kundalini Yoga classes every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., where you can connect with your body, mind, and spirit in a relaxing space filled with positive energy. These classes are specially designed for those who want to live with more calm, vitality, and balance. No prior experience is needed-just your willingness to feel better! Har Anand Kaur is deeply grateful to share her knowledge and experience with the Spanish-speaking community, helping individuals find balance, inner strength, and peace through yoga and meditation.

To learn more email Har Anand Kaur at

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Jeanne Munoz

Release & Realign
Hatha Flow

  • Strength training practitioner for 25 years
  • Yoga Practitioner for 15 years
  • Yoga Instructor for 7 Years
  • 500 hour RYT
  • Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor

In my time spent practicing and teaching yoga I rediscovered my connection to the healing power of music, learned about the benefit of stillness meditation and the importance of rest, and continue to work on unconditional acceptance of things just as they are. Practicing and teaching yoga and strength training has allowed me to find a more embodied, balanced lifestyle and I feel privileged to share my experience with others.

I consider myself a lifetime student of this practice and I enjoy teaching to all abilities. I seek to create a collaborative learning environment, as we navigate this fun and complex work.

Join me for an exploration into these subtly transformative and dynamic practices.

To learn more go to:

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Kim Wagaman

Kim Wagaman
Release & Realign

It is from a place of sincere gratitude for the awakening, awareness, and healing that yoga brings to my life, that a yearning to share the wonders of yoga with others has risen. I have been practicing yoga since 1999 and began teaching yoga in 2006. My yoga roots are in the Iyengar tradition and have spread over the years to include a variety of practice methodologies and ideas.

It is my desire and emphasis in teaching to offer the potential for self-healing with yoga, through a greater awareness of the body mind continuum, and one's own felt experience. My teaching also emphasizes the cultivation of breath awareness for relaxation, pain, and anxiety management. In asana practice there is a focus on releasing tightened and overtaxed muscles, and strengthening weakened muscle groups. I enjoy cultivating a more subtle and focused exploration of the body's vastness and in doing so encourage a concentration that can ready the mind for contemplation and meditation.

My own limitations with a severe scoliosis have shaped and influenced my practice and teaching significantly and I continue to explore and discover the transformative and healing qualities yoga can offer.

I am a 500 hour RYT and have participated in Elise Miller's Yoga for Scoliosis teacher training. I teach regular classes, Yoga for Scoliosis Workshops, Yoga for Scoliosis series classes, and private one on one sessions.

To learn more go to

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Linda Roye

Healthy Aging Yoga

Although Linda has been practicing yoga since her 20's, teaching became her calling after retiring from a long career in the legal field. Linda completed her 200-hour teacher training program in 2012 and began teaching her Healthy Aging Yoga class.

In 2013, Linda completed additional training under Carol Krucoff and Kimberly Carson at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, and received a certificate in Therapeutic Yoga for Seniors.

Linda also has a certificate in Hip Therapeutics received from Erin Ehlers upon completion of a six-month course in 2022.

In her most recent three-year Continuing Education cycle with the Yoga Alliance where she is a registered RYT-200, Linda has completed 85 contact hours of training.

As a passionate believer in the benefits of yoga for all bodies regardless of age or ability, Linda's class offers a gentle and focused approach that supports balance, mobility and joint health. When not planning, teaching or attending yoga classes, Linda enjoys gardening.

To learn more email Linda Roye at

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Liz Vasile, Ph.D., M.S, CIYT

Iyengar Yoga (Fundamentals, Foundations, and Level 1/2.)

My first contact with yoga was as a college freshman in 1973, in a month-long "yoga immersion" taught by upperclassmen returned from a year of study in India. The experience ignited in me a lifelong fascination with the relationship between mind and body, ideas and material worlds. I went on study geography, a field dedicated to exploring the making of the world around us as a portal to understanding human history and society. Similarly, yoga invites us to begin by exploring our own physicality as a doorway to the mind and spirit.

In 2002, I found my home in the approach to yoga developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, which is characterized by attention to alignment and development of sensitivity through precise sequencing, verbal instruction, and use of props to make the practice of asana and pranayama accessible and deepen their benefits.

I have studied with senior Iyengar teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City. I'm a graduate of the 500-hour, 2-year Sadhana Studies teacher education and apprenticeship program at Adeline Yoga in Berkeley, and a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT). I continue to study regularly with my teaching colleagues and my mentor Heather Haxo Phillips and other senior CIYTs nationally. Prior training and registrations include completion of the 200-hour Deep Yoga program at Piedmont Yoga in Oakland. I also maintain a current RYT-200 from Yoga Alliance.

For more information, you are welcome to contact me directly at: To learn more about Iyengar Yoga, go to

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Madeleine Lohman


Madeleine has been studying yoga since 1999, and teaching since 2004. Most of her recent studies have been focused on Viniyoga, the methodology taught by TKV Desikachar, under the mentorship of Melissa Shah of Find Your Breath. She takes the responsibility, as a yoga teacher in the West, of teaching in a way that honors but does not appropriate this sacred work very seriously.

All of her classes feature practices of breathwork, postures, meditation and chanting. When you enter her class, her priority is you will feel fully welcomed and respected as you are. This is a community built on kindness and authenticity.

When not teaching and practicing yoga, Madeleine has a private massage practice, and enjoys walks around Curtis Park, reading, and time spent with her partners and sweet dog, Valentine.

To learn more go to:

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Mae Denman

Adaptive Yoga,
Tai Chi for Arthritis & Falls Prevention

Mae began practicing yoga in 1974, and taught her first class in 1980. Over her four decades of yoga experience, she has taught individuals and groups in office locations, community centers, experimental colleges, and private homes. Mae has studied Hatha Yoga with teachers of the Iyengar, Kundalini, Ashtanga, Svoorpa, Bikram, Ananda, Kripalu, and Viniyoga traditions. Mae has completed the Yoga Alliance certified teacher's training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga, and maintains membership in the Kripalu Yoga Teachers Association. In addition, she has completed Yoga Alliance certified 500 hour teacher's training at the American Viniyoga Institute with Gary Kraftsow. Currently, she works with individuals privately as well in group classes.

In addition to yoga certification, Mae has been certified in several falls prevention training methodologies. Currently she is teaching Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention developed by Dr. Lam and offered around the world. This course is recognized by the Center for Disease Control and Arthritis Foundation for documented results.

For more information, contact Mae at 530-400-3013 or email her at

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Kundalini Yoga,
Gong Meditation
Kundalini Meditation

Manvir has taught Kundalini Yoga in the Sacramento area for 23 years, having been certified to teach Kundalini by Dr. Siri Gian Singh Khalsa in 1998. When a personal health challenge caused him to re-evaluate his life, he felt guided to step into a more authentic sense of self, and to discover how he could best serve others: by teaching Kundalini yoga as a sacred spiritual path. He has a keen interest in how the disease process enters the body, and how most illness can be traced to an entrenched belief system owned by the individual being affected. He found that the spiritual technology of Kundalini yoga is the perfect vehicle for healing body, mind, and spirit, leading students toward their own infinite nature in the Aquarian Age. Presenting the material in an easy-to-understand and heart-oriented style, Manvir guides students in accordance with your individual body's tolerance and needs in a safe and comfortable environment.

For more detailed information contact Manvir at 916-806-0623, check his website

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Sandra Russi, E-RYT, RScP

Ananda Yoga

Sandra Russi teaches Gentle Yoga in the Ananda tradition which includes the use of affirmations, pranayama, and meditation. She has been teaching for over 20 years at various locations including Ananda Sacramento, the YMCA, California State University-Sacramento, Natomas Charter School, and at various yoga studios including the Sacramento Yoga Center.

Sandra currently runs several online programs and is a Guest Teacher at SYC, offering specialty classes such as Yoga in the Chakras and Aroma-Bliss Yoga.

Sandra's students appreciate her clear instructions; attention to safety, alignment and comfort with encouragement to modify as needed; the rest periods in between postures; and the meditative atmosphere of her classes.

Feel free to reach out to Sandra at 916.606.0799 or through her website:

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Guest Teachers

Our guest yoga teachers provide continuity for students by teaching in the style of the teacher that is unavailable. They have previously participated in the class for which they may guest teach, becoming familiar with the teacher's students and particular yoga style.

Alicia Priego

Kundalini Yoga

Alicia has been a yoga practitioner for over two decades with experience in a variety of yoga traditions. She first began teaching in 2012 with her teaching evolving to today where she focuses on sharing the kundalini practice through integrating breathwork, mantra, and movement.

Alicia believes that a daily sadhana (practice) is imperative for building the vitality to not only counter the stresses of work and the world but give us the confidence to seek the life we want to live.

She leads with kindness and grace and hopes that she can provide a space for students to connect with their inner strength and explore their fullest potential. Alicia is certified by the Kundalini Research Institute.

To learn more email Alicia at

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Athena Michelle Kizner

Movement Exchange

Athena is a massage therapist, yoga and mindfulness teacher, and self-taught herbalist with a passion for health and wellness. She has a regular practice of 5 Rhythms dance and yoga (asana, pranayama, and meditation). She has taught and assisted yoga for over 10 years, including hatha, yin, meditation, and yoga for children. She became a massage therapist in 2022 and developed a practice that integrates a variety of styles with a focus on intuitive listening, presence, and connection.

She's found her calling in life as the town witch. Her love of dance, yoga, and bodywork comes through in her practice of and sharing tools to tune into the body and get into the flow. She is passionate about building community and creating warm, welcoming spaces.

To learn more email Athena at

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Jason Tarr

Kundalini Yoga

Jason is a certified KRI level 1 Kundalini Yoga Instructor. He was taught and mentored by Krishna Kaur, one of Yogi Bhajan's alumni and Jai Dev Singh from Life Force Academy. Jason has been practicing many different variations of yoga for over 15 years.

Originally from Southern California, Jason grew up on the coast surfing and skateboarding before moving to Sacramento in 1989. He enjoys the outdoors, snowboarding in the Sierra Nevada, paddleboarding on the lakes and rivers in the central valley and traveling abroad to experience other cultures.

To learn more email Jason at

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Yoga Teachers Wanted
¡Se buscan maestros nuevos y experimentados!


Sacramento Yoga Center, SYC, is an umbrella organization for experienced yoga teachers that have their own yoga business, website, students and need a studio in which to practice.

SYC also welcomes new yoga teachers recently certified that are willing to take the initiative as an independent contractor. SYC will assist new teachers to become established in their own yoga business.

If you are interested in joining SYC, please fill out the Teacher Info sheet (choose a format that works for you)

When completed, please email it to Jeff Wilson, SYC Manager, at to get started!

Sacramento Yoga Center, SYC, es una organización paraguas para profesores de yoga experimentados que tienen su propio negocio de yoga, sitio web, estudiantes y necesitan un estudio en el que practicar.

SYC también está buscando nuevos profesores de yoga recientemente certificados que estén dispuestos a tomar la iniciativa como contratistas independientes. SYC ayudará a los nuevos maestros a establecerse en su propio negocio de yoga.

Si está interesado en unirse a SYC, complete la información del maestro hoja (elija un formato que funcione para usted)

Cuando esté completo, envíelo por correo electrónico a Jeff Wilson, Gerente de SYC, a para comenzar.

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Peacock from World of Gods and Goddesses, the Mystic Art of Indra Sharma (Mandala Publishing). Used with Permission.